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Join the Clang for COP27 event in Ironbridge

12 November 2022 at 10:45 am 12:00 pm GMT

Saturday 12th November 10:45am – 12pm: Clang for COP in Ironbridge is back as part of the Global Justice Coalition’s Global Day of Action . Meet at Dale End at 10:45 for a march up to the Iron Bridge.

We are joining Deep Water and other environmental groups around Telford as part of the GLOBAL JUSTICE COALITION’s day of global action to ‘Call the Alarm’.  Together, we are demanding an end to climate and other injustices, and an urgent response from governments and leaders to climate breakdown and other multiple linked crises. Unfortunately, our UK presidency of COP26 has ended in failure. Carbon emissions continue to rise. Fracking ‘flip flops’ back on the agenda and new oil field licenses are being planned here in the UK. Water companies continue to use our rivers as open sewers and the destruction of wildlife habitat increases. As human induced carbon emissions continue to rise climate breakdown heats the planet.  Flooding,  storms and drought will further test our inadequate infrastructure.  As flood waters increase, Combined Sewer Outfalls (CSO’s) pump sewage into our streams and rivers including the River Severn.   This mixes with a toxic mix of chemicals from agriculture and makes its way to the sea.  When the sea dies so do we. Our governments across the world are failing to keep us safe. Despite promises and targets, fossil fuel extraction and emissions continue to rise.  Last week the latest scientific evidence presented by the UN indicates that the target of limiting global heating to 1.5 degrees appears dead in the water.  

So please join us for a family-oriented event on the 12th Nov.  Listen to our speakers and get involved with one of the many groups sponsoring the event.  We invite you to bring pots, pans, drums and anything you can use to send a loud message to our leaders that we want CLIMATE ACTION NOW!    


Deep Water

The Iron Bridge

IronBridge, TF8 7JP + Google Map
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