Join our Festive Swap, Wellington Market

Wellington Market Market Street, Wellington

We will have a Christmas Swap and Giveaway stand at Wellington Market featuring Christmas decorations and gifts as well as toys, books and DVDs and a Teddy Tombola!  Our stall will be located inside next to The Green Cove.    You can swap for free or take any items for a pay as you can donation.  Helping you […]

Sustainable Sunday, Sustainable Christmas Event, Belmont Hall, Wellington

Belmont Hall New Street, Wellington, Shropshire

Join our Sustainable Sunday event in Wellington for our Sustainable Christmas workshops & activities and Festive swap, with additional recycling facilities and eco library. This event is FREE.  Refreshments and vegan snacks will be available throughout Event starts at 11am and runs until 3pm. Christmas wreath making workshops for adults with local artist Art with […]

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