7 June at 10:30 am – 2:30 pm BST
Join us for our free Sustainable Saturday event on the theme of Sustainable Fashion.
Event starts at 10.30am and runs until 2.30pm.
Full event details will be added soon.
Swap and Giveaway: Swap for free or take any item for a pay as you can donation including household items, books, DVD’s, toys, clothes. By sharing resources we can reduce our carbon emissions and save money too.
Recycling: Make use of our recycling facilities including Terracycle (please see the Terracycle Telford Facebook page for details of what you can recycle). We also offer the opportunity to recycle mobile phones, electronic gadgets, jewellery, stamps and coins (see posters below for details).
Eco Library: Explore our new eco library of amazing books and magazines which you can borrow on Nature, climate and living life in a more sustainable way.
Plant based drinks and snacks served at the event for a pay as you can donation